A very simple scheduler for vue.js
Business-day Support
Business-hours Support
Drag and Drop Support
Resize Schedule Support
Touch Device Support(Require DragDropTouch.js)
Example Sample Demo
npm install vue3-scheduler-lite --save
add to your project
import VueSchedulerLite from 'vue3-scheduler-lite'
enjoy it!
<vue3-scheduler-lite :schedule-data="data" :setting="settingData" />
name | Type | description | |
startDate | String | schedule start date(YYYY/MM/DD) | |
endDate | String | schedule end date(YYYY/MM/DD) | |
weekdayText | Array | Date weekday | |
unit | Integer | minuite time line cell | |
borderW | Integer | cell border width(px) | |
dateDivH | Integer | Date cell height(px) | |
timeDivH | Integer | Time cell height(px) | |
unitDivW | Integer | Select cell width(px) | |
titleDivW | Integer | title cell width(%) | |
rowH | Integer | Row height(px) |
name | Type | description | |
row-click-event | Function | Title div click event | |
date-click-event | Function | Date div click event | |
click-event | Function | Schedule bar click event | |
add-event | Function | New schedule add event | |
move-event | Function | Schedule move event | |
edit-event | Function | Schedule edit event | |
delete-event | Function | Schedule delete event |
name | Type | description | |
title | String | Visible Text Schedule Bar | |
noBusinessDate | Array | Not business-day list(All day) | |
businessHours | Array | Business-hours(One day) | |
start | String | Business start hours(HH:ii) | |
end | String | Business end hours(HH:ii) | |
schedule | Array | add schedule data | |
start | String | time String(HH:ii) | |
end | String | time String(HH:ii) | |
text | String | Show Text | |
data | Object,Array | callback data Object |